East and West Meet In Paris by Yun Gee • 1944
Here in Paris, the new world was combined with the old. What glorious days I spent roaming through the Louvre, viewing the masterpieces, and passing before the cathedrals and the ancient shrines. Continue . . .
The Chinese Artist and the World of Tomorrow – China Monthly by Yun Gee • 1943
YunGee 1940s The art of a nation must necessarily be based on three principles. First, the creator of that art, the artist, must choose, from tradition, the highest aesthetic standards and must interpret them in the best sense; that is, in the attainment of the highest art. Second, he must examine all sides, races, nations, regions, etc., and draw from them reason, understanding and truth.  . . Continue. . . 
Diamondism At Last! Or, What It Takes to Make a Good Picture by Yun Gee • 1939
  Diamondism acts as a prism, a one-way glass. It is nothing but a medium, not a cause, but a power. It is up to the artist to use it. Up to the spectator as well . . .
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The Charm of Music • 1930

Whatever masterpiece I play, the tones themselves subsist as living beings. Any cat is the rat’s enemy, But the two together read verses just as the poet does Just as the god of us who are also gods . . .

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Paris is one of the beautiful cities of the world The people there, on the street and in the cafes, Are active.

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Poem for Princess Murat’s Portrait • 1927

I haven't seen beauty since very long. Now I paint the Princess Murat in her Chinese Library in her Chinese costume lying on her sofa.

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The Poetess • 1927-28

Poetess, when your voice unbuttons your gown When clear and pure as the plain sky You bend to look without blinking on the human world

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Where Is My Mother • 1926

That mother of mine, how it tore my heart To leave her across the sea, I who was part of her – She became all of me –

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