Quong On Gee • Yun Gee’s Father – 1920s

Gee Quong On

Yun Gee’s father Gee Quong On 朱廣安 (also named Gee Hin Wai 朱天位) claimed that he was born in 1881, at No. 709 (2nd Floor) Commercial Street, San Francisco, California. Quong On and Wong Ji Li (1883-1958) married in July 1901, and they had three sons and one daughter. Yun Gee was the third child in the family.
In 1912, Quong On was a porter. (Immigration Service document dated December 27th, 1912. Yun Gee said that his father was a merchant of Oriental goods in San Francisco. (The New York Sun, January 9th, 1934) In 1935, Quong On was a cook, and lived at Oriental Hotel, 856 Scockton Street, San Francisco. (Immigration Service document dated August 9th, 1935)

Yun Gee's Father

Due to the San Francisco earthquake and fire in 1906, the City Hall and the Hall of Records were destroyed, which enabled thousands of Chinese immigrants to claim residency and citizenship, creating a backdoor to the Chinese Exclusion Act, and the ability to bring in their relatives from China.  Quong On traveled back and forth between China and the United States, and was questioned upon each departure and entry to the U. S. (Immigration papers dated 10/2/1907, 12/27/1912, 10/15/1914, 9/5/1922, 3/20/1924, 8/9/1935, 11/9/1938)